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Please be sure to check Dojo daily, for updates on behavior.

Check Parent Square each week, for our class agenda and school updates.

Class Supplies:

-2 dozen #2 pencils

-pair of scissors

-box of color pencils

-box of tissue

-bottle of sanitizer/hand soap

-4  3-prong pocket folders


-dry erase markers

-loose-leaf paper

-4 composition notebooks


-glue sticks

-pencil pouch (no boxes)

-earbuds (headphones)

***Please no mechanical pencils or personal sharpeners

Wish List:

-dry erase markers




-index cards

-sticky notes

-Post-it chart paper

-plastic baggies (Ziploc)


-incentives (trinkets/candy)


Be respectful and kind.

Be prepared and ready to learn.

Maintain a positive attitude.

Do your best and persevere.

Classroom Books