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I am from Toledo, Ohio. I moved to Cleveland, Tennessee in 2000 to attend Lee University. I received my bachelors in K-8 education from Lee University in 2004. I taught in Chattanooga schools for 6 years between grades 1 and 2. I moved to Clarksville in December of 2013 and have taught 2nd grade for 2 and half years and 5th grade math and science for one year. I have also taught 5th grade reading and social studies for 7 years I have a son who is 16 years old who keeps me very busy. I am married to Mr. Capotosti who also teaches here at Oakland Elementary.
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Oakland uses a positive behavior matrix that promotes student awareness in expected behaviors.  This matrix can be seen in every room, throughout the building, is described in our school handbook located in the front of each student's provided OWL planner, and builds off our character trait acronym (WISDOM) banners handing from our foyer ceiling.  Each desired trait is broken down to identify school related desired behaviors to create student understanding and awareness of expectations.  These indicators are also linked to Class Dojo, which is used not only by teachers but throughout the entire building by special area teachers, special service providers, support staff, and administrators to provide consistency for our students and with parent communication.  The six overarching categories/character traits that student friendly indicators are broken down for on the visual matrix that students are taught about and expected to strive for are:

  • Work Ethic
  • Integrity
  • Self-discipline
  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • Motivation

Follow the link below to view the full "Dojo and Matrix Cheat Sheet".  This is designed to show the connection between the values on the matrix and the skills that are on Class Dojo.

Classroom Books